Why I Run


Why I run

One of my favorite spots where I hike and run.
The Osage Orange trees hug the trail creating a mystical journey as one follows the trail further into the woods.



I was like every other kid growing up, running around and playing. But running for more than just fun? That happened in high school. I ran both cross country and track. It was awesome. I wasn’t the fastest person on the team, but I could definitely hold my own. Being part of the team kept me going. I was counting on others as much as they were counting on me. And if we all did what was needed, we excelled together. When college came, running stopped. The team aspect wasn't a big thing where I first went to college and I lost all motivation. I stopped running.


Fast forward a bit over 20 years:


A few friends of mine asked me to join them on a 25k race. That sounded nuts! My longest races before were just 5k races. So, I went home and signed up… hah! The race didn’t go as well as I thought, and neither did my training. I had no idea how to train for anything over a 5k, but I gave it a shot anyway. I finished the race and felt physically terrible for days. However, I had so much fun. I was hooked. I started looking for other races to run.



This last year has been an on again - off again - for me on the injured list. NO FUN! Heel, Foot, Quads. It’s been a struggle.


All I keep thinking about is getting back onto the trails on a regular basis. It’s not just for the exercise. For me, running is different now. It’s more than a workout, a way to sweat. It’s more than just moving my body. Something about running helps me relax.

I run for me to improve my physical health.

Sure, okay. I do run for exercise. I love it, and I feel great when I am done, most of the time. It gets my heart pumping and yeah, I do feel that runners high from time to time.

I run for me to improve my mental health. 

Seriously, running helps my mind. I am OCD, yes… diagnosed. Along with the usual day to day stresses of the world, getting out on a run somehow helps calm everything down. I don’t get the same thing from a regular workout, or from many of the other outdoor pursuits that I enjoy, though hiking all day comes close. Somehow running helps cut through all the clutter and opens my mind up to the world.

I run for me because it sucks and feels great at the same time.

Yeah, its that weird combination of why am I doing this, and this is awesome! I’ve always been one to want to test my physical endurance. I’ve never truly cared about how much weight I can lift, but how far can I go. Can I hike a 40 mile day? Can I run a 100 mile race? That first 25k race reawakened those thoughts.

I run for me to help me. 


Buying a bike during Bikeocolypse